Geographic location
- situated in the northern part of Thailand
- 720 km. far from Bangkok.
- covers the area of 20,170.1057 or 12,566,910 Rai.
- Chiang Mai (new city) was found in 1296 A.D., 720 years ago By King Meng Rai, as the capital of the first independent Tai State "Lanna" (Kingdom of One Million Rice Fields) the capital's official name : "Nopburi Srinakornping Chiang Mai"
- North : Shan State, Union of Myanmar
- South : Sam Ngao District, Tak Province
- East : Chiang Rai Province, Lam Poon Province,Lam Pang Province
- West : Mae Hong Son Province
- mild and rather cool all year round
- average temperature 25 degree celsius
- highest temperature : 31 degree celsius
- lowest temperature : 20 degree celsius
- Total 1,682,164 (30 Iune 2015)
- Male : 818,100
- Female : 864,064
- * total number of households : 742,489
- * minority group : 9 groups of 401,947 (30 June 2015) hill-tribes/ highlanders in 21 districts
- Divided into 25 districts
- 204 sub-districts and 2,066 villages
- 28 regional adminstration offices
- 211 local administration offices ( Provincial Administration Organization, Municipalities and Sub-district Administration Organizations)
Local Administration
- - 1 provincial administration organization
- - 1 provincial municipality
- - 4 city municipality
- - 100 district municipalities
- - 105 district administration organizations
Economic Structure
- GPP in 2013 = 184,132 mil.baht
- GPP per capita = 106,707 baht
- GPP breakdown:
- - Agriculture :22.2%, Manufacture :9.5%,Trade & services : 12.5%,hotel & restaurant : 6.9%, Others: 48.9%
Vision of Chiang Mai Province

"City of Life and Properity"
- City which people live happily,Touristic hub in Asia
- City which bring happiness and well-being to all walks life.
- Gateway of Trade and Invesment which link to the world community
- 2,612 factories with invested capita 34 mil.baht employing 42,611 workers.
Principal Crop Production
- Rice, Orange, Longan, Lychee, Garlic, Onion and Shallot
- Tourism Capacity
- 1.Cultural and Traditional Tourism
- 2.Long Stay
- 3.Health Tourism
- 4.Education Tourism
- 5.MICE
Tourism statistic in 2014
- Number of tourist in 2014 Total 8,665,502 persons
- Local Thai 6,064,177 persons ( 70.28% )
- Foreigner 2,601,325 persons( 29.72%
Tourism revenue in 2015
- 73,757.45 million baht
- local Thais 48,559.98 mil.baht (39%)
- foreign visitors 25,197.47 mil.baht(61%)